The Sacrament of the Eucharist

Where does the Eucharist come from?
This happened during Jesus Christ’s last meal with His Apostles, shortly before He was handed over to His enemies in order to be put to death.
“Then, taking bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying: ‘This is my body to be given for you. Do this as a remembrance of me.’ He did the same with the cup after eating, saying as he did so: ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which will be shed for you.’” (Lk 22:19-20)
A little less than two thousand years later, our dear Mother, after having nourished herself of the Eucharist all her life, and after having experienced sufferings comparable to those of Jesus Christ for the welfare of souls, was also introduced into this divine Sacrament in order to join her King of Love there.
What the Eucharist is
So, the Eucharist is the Body of Christ, but more precisely, His Glorious Body which is the result of the fusion of His three Bodies into a single body (see The Human Being), through the power of the Fire of the Spirit, to whom He was totally receptive. This Fire irradiated His everyday life through the sufferings and love which were always present in His life. Marie-Paule followed a similar path in order to join Him in the Eucharist. After our resurrection, we too will eventually have to attain this, and even become gods in their wake, but not to the point of becoming fully God like Them.
Love of the Eucharist
In order to help us progress towards our sublime destiny, let us like to spend time next to Them in this divine Sacrament, by following the example of the Apostle Saint John who liked so much to be very close to Jesus’ heart.

Love is there, in the Eucharist, and He is often left alone in the churches which are emptying more and more. He waits for us! What more can we say? God needs people who console Him; He too needs to be given love by persons who are able to forget themselves in order to love Him!
And how are we to be in His presence? Like a child who needs everything, like a poor beggar. Like a child who needs love, who needs a renewed heart; a humble heart, a simple heart and a heart that constantly surpasses itself to love. Let us ask for all these good things from our God in the Eucharist. Let us ask them of our dear Mother!
Love is what makes the world move in the right direction, sets right the projects of those who govern us, changes society in its very depths, for Love drives out Satan in the same way that the sun chases away the shadows of the night. Love is God, infinitely powerful. No devil can stand up to Him! But He is there, present in the Eucharist. Let us allow ourselves to be attracted to Them.
Receiving the Eucharist in Communion
If we gain so many benefits simply through our presence next to the Eucharist, what about when we receive this divine Sacrament in Communion? It communicates the perfection of Christ’s three bodies to us, enabling us, in turn, to follow in His footsteps, clothed with His strength and His knowledge of God, in inexpressible exchanges of love with the members of the Divine Quinternity.
- Review Le Royaume, no. 245, March-April 2017, pp. 14-17.
- Marie-Paule and Co-Redemption, pp. 84-95.