The Consecration to our Immaculate Mother

To help us in our life of mental prayer, let’s consecrate ourselves often to the Immaculate. To consecrate oneself to her means giving ourselves voluntarily and completely to her so that she may guide our actions and act through us in the world. Even if she is no longer physically among us to guide us with her good advice, she can act more than ever if we consecrate ourselves to her often. This can be done simply by saying: “Mother, I give myself to you, I trust you; guide me, strengthen me!”
More so and better than the best of mothers, the Immaculate watches over those who consecrate themselves to her. She guides them from within, by inspiring them to do good things, and she also guides them exteriorly through the events that occur in their lives. The ones who have a real devotion to her cannot be, at the same time, the servants of the devil, because there is complete enmity between him and Her and this, from all time. So, to escape from the devil and grow in God, there is nothing better than the consecration.
The Immaculate is humble and totally pure. Living under her influence and serving her is the joy of the angels and of all of heaven. She is the joy of God!
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